Whisky Party Theme: Whisky Jet-Setting Whisky Party Theme: Whisky Jet-Setting

Traverse the globe with nothing more than a glass as these world whiskies showcase their diverse styles.

Whisky Party Theme: Whisky Jet-Setting

–––––– Jeffery Lindenmuth, , , ,

Beyond the traditional whisky-making nations, there's a whole host of off-the-beaten-path producers. Do some whisky globetrotting, then locate your favorite finds on a wall map. “Maps offer viewers an alternative to narrative in depicting the ebb and flow of a coastline, the divisiveness of a mountain range, the vastness of a valley, or the wanderings of a river,” says Jane Toczek, senior associate at The Philadelphia Print Shop. They also function as great conversation starters. “When two or more are gathered around a map, one person will point out a location…then discussion ranges to more details of experiences and memories of a place and its people, cuisine, music, traditions, art, or just the scent of a breeze,” she adds. This bar is the ideal way to get oriented with whisky.Assemble a selection of quality global whiskies. Countries that are exporting innovative and tasty whiskies to the U.S. include France, Germany, India, Japan, Taiwan, Wales, and more!Using a globe or large map, identify your whiskies' origins and display them along with your bottles. You can use something as simple as pushpins, or create your own markers.

Build the Bar

Explore world whiskies that combine solid scores and availability. View the Whisky Advocate Buying Guide for more great discoveries.Australia: Starward Nova single malt (88 points)France: Armorik Double Maturation single malt (F93 points), Brenne 10 year old single malt (90 points)India: Amrut single malt (87 points), Rampur single malt (91 points)Japan: Hibiki Harmony (90 points), Yoichi single malt (92 points)Mexico: Sierra Norte Single Barrel Yellow corn whiskey (90 points)Taiwan: Kavalan single malt (90 points)Wales: Penderyn Celt (91 points)

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