Corn Silk Flip [Cocktail Recipe] Corn Silk Flip [Cocktail Recipe]

Corn Silk Flip at Bar Moga

Corn Silk Flip [Cocktail Recipe]

–––––– Whisky Advocate, , , ,

Corn isn't just for eating off the cob or running mazes—try it in this cocktail, created by Becky McFalls-Schwartz, beverage director at Bar Moga in New York City. “The corn flavor in this recipe really comes through, adding a sweet vegetal, pasture-like note that makes me think of the close of summer and transition into fall. The chipotle adds a faint smokiness and depth without imparting too much heat, and the sherry and Cherry Heering round it out with the faintest touch of acidity,” says McFalls-Schwartz, who collaborated on this recipe with the chefs at Table X, Salt Lake City.


  • ¾ oz. sweet corn silk cream (recipe below)
  • ¼ oz. Cherry Heering
  • ½ oz. Lustau East India Solera Sherry
  • 1½ oz. bourbon
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Garnish: dried chipotle pepper


Combine ingredients in a shaker and dry whip. Add ice and shake hard to chill. Strain into a chilled coupe. Grate dried chipotle across the top.

How to make Sweet Corn Silk Cream

  • 1 cup corn silk (Rip silks from under the corn husk. You can use fresh silks, or save and dry them.)
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 dried chipotles
  • ¾ cup chestnut honey or other honey

On a sheet pan, roast corn silks in a 350 degree oven until brown. Meanwhile, heat cream and chipotles in a small saucepan until very warm, but not yet steaming. When corn silks are browned, submerge in heated cream, cover, and remove from heat. Allow to infuse for about 30 minutes. Strain, discarding silks and chipotles. Add honey to cream and mix well. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to five days.